Broken Hearts cross paths!!








 Cross My Heart

By Robin Lee Hatcher

In Cross My Heart, we meet Ashley, the owner of a horse rescue farm and Ben, who is starting up a equine therapy farm. When Ashley and Ben first  meet, they find they have several things in common. Having been both raised by single mom's and sharing a passion for helping those who are hurting. While Ashley and Ben work together to bring forth Ben's dream, they both feel drawn toward a deeper relationship. But there is a big issue that is standing in their road toward this. Being that they both have very broken pasts that have affected their choice's in life. Carrying these burden's  can also drive them apart instead of bringing healing to their lives if they do not face the truth. Will they choose to hand these burdens over to the one who can handle them or walk away from a beautiful thing in each of their lives?

This is a beautifully written story about healing that can come from the brokenness in our lives.Where two broken hearts cross paths and find redemption thru God. We all face struggles in our lives, maybe not as much chaos as addiction has wrecked havoc in Ben and Ashley's lives. But what we face we do not have to deal with all alone, we can give it over to God for him to handle and work for our own good.

Addiction has touched my life in so many ways, I have lost several loved ones to drugs and the consequences that comes from taking them. This can affect anyone, no matter how they was raised or where they grew up at. The truth is there is very much hope out there for all who are struggling with an addiction or a family member who truly loves that person. Choose to seek help, you are never alone!!!

Check out this beautiful video

Call  if you or someone you love needs help


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