Love and Family conflict!!!

Hannah's Choice

by Jan Drexler

As the eldest daughter, Hannah Yoder has shouldered alot of the responsibilities  in her family. Striving to bind the threads of her family back together with her mothers depression, her sisters rebellion and her fathers worries, she becomes the strong one. She loves the settled and peaceful life that her family has living along the banks of the Consetoga Creek. Believing that at some time she will settle down with her best friend and have a family in the same area as her family is settled. When suddenly her father is offered a chance at moving west  closer to a amish community by another fellow amishmen that is moving. Along comes a young amish man that truly believes Hannah is the one he is to marry. Forced to face making a decision of staying behind near her beloved home or following the one who promises her life of adventure following God's call west. Will Hannah choose to stay with what is familiar or choose to follow her heart toward a new land.

Jan Drexler writes a page-turning novel that makes you want to know what is going to happen to the characters next. As you read you are drawn toward each character as they go thru each of their struggles in life. I truly recommend this book as  one to read and collect, I cant wait till the next one comes out. 

This book was provided for free by Revell Reads for an honest review.


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