Hope for all Wives!!!

The Unveiled Wife by Jennifer Smith
Is your heart longing for a deeper connection, but you seem to not be able to find it anywhere. Did you walk into marriage all ready to find fulfillment in intimacy and found the opposite of what you was looking for. Then The Unveiled Wife is the book for you.
Jennifer Smith delves into the deep topic of intimacy in marriage in her book. As a young bride she dreamed of the happiness that comes from marriage. But as the days and weeks passed them by it seemed that it was not ever going to happen. Their time together was marred with much pain and disappointment. Crying out she asked the big question we all ask "What am I doing wrong?" It was if there was a veil hanging in between them, a barrier that was blocking her from feeling the fullness of love God give us.
Her love story is told thru this book, how she was able to find healing and become an unveiled wife. If you are feeling alone in this journey of marriage you are not there is hope out there for all wives.


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