Good Fantasy Read
Merchant of Alyss by Thomas Locke The second book in the Legends of the Realm, Merchant of Alyss finds Hyam living at in Falmoth Port with his wife Joelle. Many changes has happened in his life, a chance encounter has brought new wisdom and love finds a way into his heart. As he is slowly recovering from his last battles, a mysterious shipment arrives that draws his attention. When his dreams become haunted by soon coming conflicts and mythic beasts, he has to face another battle; the battle to rescue his beloved from a sorcerers spell. Hyam sets out over desolate lands to save what is dearest to him, his wife and community. As he sets out on this new journey, he must rely on his abilities and his forbidden past to be able to win the battle. This quest could either bring deliverance or devastation. I truly like reading fantasy and checking out new reads, but this book was a hard one for me to get into. This was not the kind of book i would read, but I would recommen...