Shine: Stepping into your role!!
Shine by Allison Allen We all at some point play a role in our lives, we play a character that is not our true self. We walk into a room and put on a mask that hides our true thoughts. We choose the lines we want to say, but not saying what we truly need to say. By becoming someone else, we tell ourselves it is just another version of who we are. Everyone one of us have done this at some point in our life. By using fascinating person stories and sharp insight into human nature, former Actress Allison Allen calls us to drop the act and step up to the role in front of us. No matter what the critics around us say, we can be our real self that God has created. Allison gives us permission to talk about the things we feel, rather than beating around the bush to say what we feel. Freeing us to step out of the shadows we have hid in, allowing us us to step into the light of God's true calling. This book is for anyone looking to throw of the the role we are playing...