Her Secret Song by Mary Conneally In the third installment of the Brides of Hope Mountain, we find Ursula Nordegren living on top of the mountain in isolation from her sisters. Her time alone has been spent pondering the things she had been taught growing up by her grandmother. When Ursula makes a big decision to brave the strange world out there, she finds a stranger that is needing help. Wax Mosby spent years being a hired gun for many, but time has gotten him to wondering if he needs to rethink things. The past winter has been spent trying to figure out how he can atone for his bad choices. But when Wax starts to climb the mountain, he is badly wounded and left for the wolves. Along comes an angel that encourages him to push thru to make it to safety. An unlikely bond brings these two lonely ones together, but can they find the strength that is needed to fight the battle that is to come ahead of them? I was given a complimentary copy of this book by th...