
Showing posts from December, 2016

Kindness Challenge!!

The Kindness Challenge  Thirty Days to Improve any Relationship Shaunti Feldhahan Here is another amazing book brought to us by the author of For Women Only, Shaunti Feldhahan a book dealing with all kinds of relationships. We all have people that are very tough and hard for us to deal with in our everyday lives.Or maybe you are wanting to make a certain relationship better. This is the book for you, it gives you a road map toward being kinder in your relationships. Small actions that can and will make very big difference in anybody's life.  Shaunti also gives us several ways that we could be being unkind to other people, Also 8 types of kindness and which one suits our personality. Ten very sneaky obstacles that get in our way of giving praise. While providing us with practical ways to keep moving on when the way of kindness gets tough.  This book is a great choice for anyone that is looking at bettering their relationships. *I received a print cop...

Take Your Life Back!!!!!

Take Your Life Back:  How to Stop Letting the Past and Other People Control You by Stephen Arterburn , M.Ed.  and David Stoop, Ph.D. Just as the title says is what this book truly about, making the choice to take your life back and to become the person you are to be in life. If you are looking for hope in your life of overcoming feelings and habits that have controlled you for a long time look no more. Overcoming the hurts and habits that are keeping us from moving forward, while taking new and very positive steps toward change in our lives.Getting healing from the hurts, setbacks and broken relationships that have effected every day of our lives. As I was reading this book, I myself had to take time and look at my past to see the issues that was holding me back from going further in my life. I found this book to be very helpful at working on the problems that I felt I was stuck on and could not find the freedom from. To anyone that needs or is looking for a way ...

Gratitude Coloring Journal!!

Gratitude  A Prayer and Praise Coloring Journal For all adult coloring books fans here is another option of a way for a believer to strengthen their prayer life. Each page comes with saying or a prayer to help thru your day. Pages for you to write out your prayers and thoughts. Being able to be creative without having to feel like you had to have lessons in art is a very good thing. I found it to be very relaxing to color the pages, while also taking time to write my thoughts and or a prayer out on the provided pages. There is also several pages where you can do your own illustrations.  I received a copy of this book courtesy of Tyndale House Publishers for the purpose of reviewing. I was not required to give a positive review.