
Showing posts from 2012

March 20, 2012

An introduction to this blog, I am a 36 yr old wife and a hopeful author to be at some time. I want to write down about my childhood years of abuse and hopefully help others who are struggling with the emotional trauma that comes with being abused, even after they are out of the abusive situtation. I am not a professional counselor, I am just speaking from what happended to me as a child into my young adult years. If it was not for the wonderful friends that surrounded me and kept me going, I do not know how I could have kept going,  they showed me that I was special and that I was loved by someone. Even though I could not understand why the abuse was still being allowed to happen to me. Now that I am older I realize what I went thru, those struggles have made me who I am now. A stronger woman, who has been blessed with a heart for others. God Bless all of you out there!!!